

Created by Reed Mascola, Paranoia Rising Games

Vigilante is a 3 to 5-player semi-cooperative game where you recruit heroes and fight villains to complete your secret objective!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick Update on Vigilante
about 3 years ago – Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 06:16:26 PM

I hope that you all had a great weekend! There are a couple of quick updates to share.


I'm pleased to announce that we will be working with DoFine Games to produce Vigilante. They have manufactured a number of great games, including Calico and Point Salad. While the rulebook still needs some minor updates, all files were sent this morning to DoFine Games to start working on a sample.

BackerKit Surveys

As a next step to get address information and collect shipping, we will be sending out BackerKit surveys later this week. Surveys will be open until May 26, 2021. For those of you in and around Toronto that are opting for local pick-up, you must select 'Local pick-up' as your country in the survey. This survey also allows you to order/update your desired number of copies.

If you have any questions about this, you can always reach out to us at [email protected].

Missed the Kickstarter?

The BackerKit pre-order page is live here:

This allows anyone that missed the campaign to place a pre-order for Vigilante (pre-orders will be closed May 26, 2021).

Thanks again,

Reed Mascola

Paranoia Rising Games Inc.

Thank you!!!
about 3 years ago – Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 01:34:28 PM

What a wild ride! I am thrilled that we funded and am appreciative of the amazing support. For those of you that have pledged copies of Vigilante (or are planning to upgrade to them in the pledge manager), you can definitely play it on Tabletop Simulator while you wait! Of course for a social deduction game, online play doesn't give you the ability to stare into one's soul, but it's a fun game, and Tim has done a great job of improving the online experience.

Now that we're funded, the work continues on my end, and I'll do what I can to get this game to you as soon as possible. 

What are the next steps?

  • Final rulebook edits - including the recently added Scenario and Advanced Identities
  • A pledge manager will be sent out in two weeks (closing May 26th) for you to update your address and pay shipping (unless you've opted for local pickup in Toronto)
  • Final review of all cards / components
  • Working with the manufacturer on the file formats, and printing out a first sample for review

Oh, and let's unlock that other stretch goal :-)

Thanks again for supporting and stay tuned for updates!

Reed Mascola

Paranoia Rising Games Inc.

Stretch Goal Unlocked - New Hero!
about 3 years ago – Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 09:17:50 AM

Congratulations - we did it!!! Our first stretch goal is unlocked :-)

The City Needs More Heroes to Keep Order!
about 3 years ago – Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 08:14:49 AM

We have less than 24 hours left, and at the time of writing this update, we're 8 games away from unlocking our $12,000 stretch goal! Let's keep the momentum going!

Let's keep this update short and sweet, and get right to an important update and some new content:

I'm pleased to announce our collaboration with Matt Healey, who has designed great functional inserts for a number of games, including: Shiver Me Timbers, Relics of Rajavihara (designed by the awesome Joe Slack!), Machina Arcana, and over a dozen more! The value of insert design is immeasurable - not only will it allow for easier organization, setup and teardown of a game, but also leave space for expansion content. As someone with a large board game collection, I can attest to the importance of keeping space in your game for expansions!

This was one of the proposed inserts, and is currently in discussion with the manufacturer.

New heroes have emerged in the city: Shutterspeed, Road Junkie, and Brigade Commander!

Shutterspeed is our 3rd and final contest-winning hero from our Facebook group (Facebook: Heroes and Mercenaries).  Shutterspeed is a photographer-turned-speedster who can not only move quicker than the eye can see, but has the ability to freeze foes in place with his classic 35mm camera.

In Vigilante, Shutterspeed's quick movement translates to quick filtering through the City and Agency deck, helping you get the cards that you need.  Congratulations to Mike for the great submission!

Brigade Commander is a new hero based on a unique gameplay idea from Bryan Greer from Game Brigade. Brigade Commander is ex-military, but gained powers when the Agency released the serum into the water supply. He can turn any object into metal.

In the game, Brigade Commander is stronger if he's at the top of your player mat, but provides defensive cover in the bottom row, preventing any damage that your team takes from Firefight events (which normally would damage your heroes).

Road Junkie is the last of the new heroes for this update and is based on one of our backers - Ed! He has the ability to steal powers and use them against his foes. In the game, he's not only quite strong with 3 attack, but great at staying alive against Free Metahumans villains. If you combo him with Eric Gallagher from the previous update, you can use that information to use Road Junkie and other heroes more effectively!

We hope that this added variety will help you unlock some fun combos and strategies in your next game of Vigilante. Thanks again for supporting, and let's keep pushing to $12,000!


Reed Mascola

Paranoia Rising Games Inc.

An Ancient King, Summoned
about 3 years ago – Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 04:29:50 AM

We're less than 4 days away from the Kickstarter campaign ending, but still plenty of gas in the tank (or rather, electricity in the battery) as we get closer to the final 48 hours. The final 48 hours are really our chance to break through a few of these stretch goals!

Tonight I'm appearing on Hey Mitch!, a podcast by Geek Elite Media! Let's  keep the momentum going :)

Now, let's reveal a new Hero card:

Eric Gallagher / The Aeon King was one of the winners from our Hero Contest, submitted by Nicolas! I'd like to include the quote submitted directly by Nicolas, which gave Eric a rich backstory that two sentences on a card really can't capture:

The dust settles. Eric drops his shovel under a heavy rain. He has been a laborer all his life, hoping for the best to keep on feeding his family in an uncertain world.

Uncertain due to the powerful heroes and villains that are a constant reminder of how powerless Eric has always been. Powerless to save the love of his life, his wife Maria, in the Crisis five years ago. Powerless to maintain a relationship with his daughter after Maria's passing. Powerless to keep everyone safe.

The only memento he has it's the old bike Maria got for him 20 years ago. A memento he has been working on giving a second life as a way to keep Maria's memory alive.

A light crosses the sky, and a soundless explosion, void of any type of sound, can be seen just a few meters away. Like some kind of strange force guiding him and even before he can think it through, he starts to approach the explosion site. A strange card, with a glowing star on its centre can be seen floating, calling him.

Eric reaches to the card and a strange voice reaches out to him in his mind: "Heed the call of the Aeon King, oh worthy one. You who have been waiting for a chance to redeem yourself, entrust your heart and soul to me and together we shall bring an end to all evildoers across all galaxies, across all time and space. The only thing you require to do is say... " "I accept. You and me, 'til the end of the world. Let's do it partner" "Ha! Very well, let us go... Partner. "

The Aeon King, when summoned, can give Eric the ability to control time and space. This allows him to freeze or even turn back the clock for a short period of time, and teleport short distances. 

In Vigilante, we have captured the Aeon King's powers by allowing him once per round to look at the top card of the Villain deck. Normally players need to use an action to fight Villains without knowing who they are (and which heroes will take damage), but with Eric Gallagher, you'll be able to make a key strategic decision that will give you a leg up on other players (and keep your heroes alive!).

Thanks again for tuning in!

Reed Mascola

Paranoia Rising Games Inc.